Make a cool about me page quickly FOR FREE

Ajay Nair
4 min readAug 23, 2020


and you do not even need to be a programmer!

I know it sounds too good to be true but you just have to follow all the steps with me and you can see the proof for yourself. This is my ‘About Me’ page that I made using the same steps: I hope you like my story :)

Let’s start! We only have 15 mins.


We will be using to create the ‘About Me’ site. GitHub allows free hosting.

Step 1

Create a GitHub account

In this step, you should be able to create an account and verify your email-id.

Step 2

Go to

Click on Fork as shown below and wait for a minute or two (Please click on the star button as well if you think my effort is worth it)

You should be able to see a page similar to the below picture (Note that username and other information will be different). Click on the link shown in the picture and if you are able to see my ‘About Me’ page then you are on the right track! Yay! High five!

Step 3

Download aboutme.pptx and create your own pages

As shown in the picture below, you should be able to see an aboutme.pptx file. Click on it and download it.

Step 4

Open the in MS PowerPoint (or other similar tools). Each of the slides will be 1 page in your About Me, so use all these 10 slides to talk about yourself. Don’t be shy and don’t forget to add photos. (You can always modify it later so you don’t have to make it perfect now)

Step 5

Create JPG images of these slides

In PowerPoint click File->Export -> Change File Type -> JPEG File Interchange Format (As shown in the picture below). Once you double click on ‘JPEG File Interchange Format’ select a directory to store all our slides (in JPEG format).

Make sure all the JPEG files are generated. Please make sure that all the filenames have the correct format which is SlideID.JPG (Where ID is a number). Note that ‘JPG’ are in capitals.

Step 6

Upload all the images to GitHub

On your GitHub page, click on Add file -> Upload files as shown below

Click on choose file and choose all the files as shown below

Scroll down and click commit changes

Step 7

Awesome! You have done the hard work. You just have to enable the about me page now.

Click Settings then scroll down to ‘GitHub pages’

Click on None and select ‘Master’. Then click ‘Save’

Scroll Down to same “gitHub page’ and you should be able to see this:

Instead of you will see https://<YourID> and that is okay. Click on it and your cool About Me page should be ready! You can re-upload the images as many times as you wish to.

Step 8

Tell me if you faced any issue and I would love to modify the post to make it more useful. I have spent more than a day on this post and so I would love to make sure that it is useful to as many people as possible :) You can email any issue you faced at

Share it with as many people as you wish to.

My about me page example



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